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Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces

Jupiter and Neptune conjunction at 23ºof Pisces, Sabien Symbol: “The wife of a fallen general, springing up from his body, delivers a stirring speech to his comrades, and then leads them into battle”

Full Moon at 26ºof Pisces, Sabien symbol: “A glamorous movie star enters Hollywood party from a lofty staircase, her producer-husband in tow.”

Walking above Water

The core of intimacy

Divine gift

The Beauty

The temple of divine love

Relationships are the womb of creation

The divine field to contemplate love

Temples of devotion

The bravery of manifest our divine essence

Pure waters

Eternity embodied in glimpse of a human touch

Manifest One´s Divinity

Raise your spirit and Walk above Water

Liberate the Trauma

Bring down the Altars of Trauma’s worshipful

The spirit of love is rising

Birthing and enlighten Mankind´s ignorance

Rise above the water

Dare to take the path of love

Enlightening the power abuse

Raise your spirit above water

Stop repeating and perpetuating sin guilt and Trauma

There is a bright light being poured into the deep blue waters

Mankind unconscious

Their roots have the sovereignty and freedom of an oak

Has the ability of heal and libertate the trauma within the birth of Humankind

The deep wound of power abuse

The ignorance within the law written in religious tales

The law written within our profound cells has his roots merge with shame

The joy of life

The spark of light is rotten within the birth of human existence

We are born slaves within the Tale of Trauma

Trauma of separation from light itself

We were born out of fear the human law of slavery

The selfishness human´s blindness

The human ignorance is weaved in our cells since the beginning of the birth of humankind

It is time to walk on water

It is time to walk above the water

By a Medicine Woman

From a Dakini Heart, a Skywalker

Patricia Xavier de Carvalho

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