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New Moon in Cancer

New Moon at 7º of Cancer, Sabien Symbol: “In a moonlit forest, a captured man is forced to dance for the King of leprechauns”

Divine Godness’s Portal

Divine WaterTrinity

I call Upon all women’s Devotion

I call Upon all Men´s Devotion

Open your heart to Divine Essence

Dive into the deep waters of Creation

Rest in the triple goddess’ womb

The cave all-encompassing life force

Tara's wisdom, courage, and Bravery

Is sowing the seed of liberation

The Black Moon Lilith is bending the Patriarchal chains of submission

She is the snake in the Garden of Eden

The Feminine Divine Principle that doesn´t submit to the Man´s Law

She is the fiercely Redeeming love of Green Tara

The Great Mother,

Unleashing untamed forces

Sacred lifeforce

Obeying only to the Truth and Light

Throughout time and space

Life Death is One

Awakening the Divine Water Trinity in Humanity

Resurrect the spirit of Creation within Unconcious

Feminine Holy blood is pouring into the core of humanity

Unleash forces of redemption are awakening within the human heart

Black Lilith is embracing the sun and the moon

Untamed forces are been awake

Liberate Humankind from centuries of patriarchal oppression


The Birthright of all women and man

The deep freedom

Pure translucid waters of love

Divine Feminine Goddess

Bravery sharpness of the spirits of Water

The magic of creation

Source of life

Liberated matriarchal devotion

The pure light of love

The Great Mother's womb

The faith of surrender to life forces

Dancing in ecstasy with all Universe

These blessed waters are the deep vessel of the spirit

The Graal of truth is raising Human awareness

Pure faith is been sewn into the unknow

Planting seeds of higher consciousness

Tenderhearted compassion

Untamed children of nature

Awakening of creative natural energies under cover of darkness

Birthing a magic expression of life force

Awakening the sacred expression of sexual manifestation

Water Temples are emerging into the wildness field of compassion

Into the humanawareness

The field of liberation

The gateway to Enlightenment is the watery expression of divine Truth

Ability to feel deeply everything that is present

Pure reality

The Oneness in duality

The magic wilderness of Freedom

You are Loved!

Erguem-se Templos tecidos no coração da vida

Sangue feminino o da Criação

By a skywalker

From a Dakini heart

By Patricia Xavier de Carvalho

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